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 Multilayered Tensegrity

Design In Between Reality & Digital

What transform the market from a past social hub to a non-human distribution center serving for online shopping is because of the change of focus on efficiency more than social aspect.  The vanishing of market for relaxation and joys because they ignore the change how we travel and commute nowadays. Learning from  the 1920s failure in the experiment of implementing car-centered supermarket in LA because of the congestion in this market.  It failed because each car can affect the space more exaggerated than pedestrian and has different properties. So this asks for a new standard of architecture beyond human figure reference. And each car’s movement is involving in informing the space.


Entering a new age of self-driving car start to dominate the market. I anticipate that the significantly popularized communal car and self-driving system will be dominated in the city of Tallinn. To fully satisfy the individual needs and celebrate the individuality. The project  treat everyday grocery of individuals as positive activities, as relaxation, as part of civic life, not just a daily mission. At the same time, it maximizes the efficiency by reducing parking time and parking space, exchanged by communal space, altogether create a dynamic and efficient shopping experience. For the methodology, I applied 3 agents where the priority of human-figure as standard is decreased. And the other two become the major agents. When we re-evaluate the full self-driving car as an agent in space. The way we see and interact in such a car is fully changed.The vision is liberated from conventional driving. Machines’ vision frees up humans’ visual experience, and The spatial experience become partially private. and extended physical ability and efficiency.  The in-car experience will be used to inform the space and formulate programs.

Year / 



Professor / 

Greg Lynn


Assistants / 

Maja Ozvaldic

Bence Pap

Kaiho Yu

Martin Murero

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